Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter August 1, 2023


I finally have some numbers to share from my Jamboree patch trading experience. After sorting and photographing everything I traded for just over 650 unique sets of individual JSPs, flaps, and program patches. The depth of my inventory is not nearly as good as in years past but as I explained in the Sunday issue I spent 1/2 the time at Jamboree doing the fun stuff – which I absolutely believe was the right call.



The fun part now is to see how long the Jamboree wave of cloth will roll through the category before eventually cresting. It looks like the silly money was made during the Jamboree as is always the case. The first person to get stuff listed usually has eye-popping numbers. The twist this time is that some councils (Atlanta) are now opening up their sets for reorders. National Supply is doing the same thing with the crest ring.



I know that for my part it’s going to be a quick and dirty strategy. I am auctioning off items on a 5-day run if I have just a single example. When I have dupes on that I’ll put them up BIN when the auction ends. Other items that I am deeper into will just go straight to a fixed price. My goal is to sell 2/3 of what I traded for in the next 2 months. So I’d rather take a quick sale than have stranded inventory (ask me how many 2017 items I have for sale 6 years later). So the goal is by Sunday all my auctions will be over.



I have 323 live auctions right now from the 2023 Jamboree about evenly split between sets and single JSPs. My trading strategy at these events is to do as many 1:1 trades as humanly possible so I rarely tell a Scout “no”. In doing that I often do get more of the common stuff but also will randomly get the home run pieces.











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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.