It’s usually a bad idea to announce you are going to do something knowing that technical difficulties could get in the way. But I’ll throw caution to the wind as I’m pretty excited about this idea. Today at noon Eastern I’m going attempt my first ever live unboxing on my Facebook Page. Yesterday I got a collection out of the Dallas area in that I think is super cool and ya’ll will enjoy seeing. To get an alert just like the page and set it where you agree to get FB notifications from the page.
This morning I am also recording a video with Bill Mulrenin for the series that we named Scouting Hot Finds Insiders Round Table. Yes a little wordy there! We are going to kinda talk through some tips for selling online which I think for some folks will be super helpful. I will probably have that cleaned up and ready to post a week or so from now.
This weekend I have some really nice auctions ending mostly from a very nice collection that came in recently. These auctions include several trail medals, camp patches and an Explorer Ranger medal! I am locked in for the next month with auctions set to start every night of the week. It took me way to long after summer camp to get back on schedule but it’s October and I’m on a good run now.
The Camp Expo went very well last night. I was assisted by the Scout Executive Doug Stone and one of our rock star staff members Mary who drove down from Charlotte. During the evening we had conversations with several units that really seemed to connect with Camp Barstow and our plans for 2022.