Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter November 18, 2014


Brad England and I are filming another episode of Thread Heads today so be on the lookout for an announcement over social media on when that gets posted. If you want to get the word you can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or check in on the home website for this video show at ScoutPatchCollectors.com.

If you have not made a table reservation for the 2015 NOAC TOR you might want to go ahead and do that. Chris Jensen will be releasing hotel information any day now and he is holding rooms for table renters. I know I jumped on it this week and sent in my reservation. You can find him at Streamwood.net.

This week I’ve rolled out another fixed priced sales catalog. This time it features over 2,400 council shoulder insignia including CSPs, SAPs, and JSPs. About every month I try to do this because I like the strategy of offering a simple catalog with everything in alphabetical order that you can zip through to see if there is anything there for your collection. Check it out here if you have a minute to browse the PDF file.

A collection that I just got listed on eBay last night includes many items from the Overseas Arrowmen Association. I don’t know if any of you collect this group but if you do check out what I’ve got up from the OAA.

I’ve got about three hundred auctions ending in the next few days that are what we like to call relists. These are ones that I’ve ran before but this time I’ve lowered the minimum bids on everything to attract some bidders. Take a look and see if you find something that fits into your collection.

I attended our Girl Scout cookie training meeting last night. 2.5 hours later it is clear that this cookie thing is crazy. We were told that if we just commit to selling 500 cases (6,000 boxes) that we can get our own private delivery. Umm do I want to be partially responsible for nearly $20k in GS cookies?







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ScoutPatchCollectors.com It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.