Fantastic Texas OA Patch Trader Collection From the Late 1960s – Early 1970s

I can really relate to the Scouter who put this collection together more than 50 years ago. I too went to a National Jamboree and caught the patch bug. But he went to the 1969 Jambo a full twenty years before I went to my first event. Coming from TX his stuff was really desirable and he did a good...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 28, 2025

After I get my son home Wednesday from school I will be heading north to begin making my way to the Crossroads of America (Indy) TOR. From Charlotte its a full day's drive but I've got a couple of stops to make along the way. I'll stay with my cousin in VA Weds night and have a much more comfortable...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 26, 2025

Tuesday is the last day I can accept delivery orders for Best Hobby Pages. I am leaving for the IndyTOR early to make some stops. If you place your order now using coupon code PICKUP, I will package it up and hand deliver your order at the TOR.   Only a few times a year do I drive over the mountains...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 24, 2025

This week I met with the realtor who sold us our house back in 2018. My lease runs out at the end of August so I am exploring all options. I've already had a frank conversation with my landlord (new company that bought the property) and they shared what my lease would be if I renew. So with 6-7 months...Read More

Navy Veteran and New Jersey Scout Collection Rescued

It's not very often that I talk to a picker when it comes to discovering lost Boy Scout collections. In this case the guy was helping clear out a storage unit and they came across a bunch of patches. We connected via text and then hopped on a phone call to discuss the items. When he sent me the pictures...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 21, 2025

The hardest part about hosting a Trade-O-Ree is not always getting everything worked out with the host location and actually setting up. Sometimes its the effort to get people to come. It ain't like that old Field of Dreams movie, you can put it on a calendar but that won't make people come.   I am doing my best to...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 19, 2025

Over the last two days I've been have enjoying the fellowship of the South Carolina TOR and my lodge banquet. Even the banquet had a silent auction so it was a big patch weekend.   One of the highlights of the TOR was just slowing down and walking around the room to have a conversation with all the other dealers....Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 17, 2025

I saw a comment from Steve Adams that said basically why can't there be a trade-o-ree every weekend? I don't know that I could have that kinda schedule but I do celebrate the chance to attend a TOR and see many Scouting friends in person. I also know that the best chance to get deals on stuff is in person...Read More

1985 National Scout Jamboree Patch Trading Collection Unboxing

was able to purchase the collection of a Scout who attended the 1985 National Scout Jamboree at Ft. AP Hill VA. In a previous deal he sold me his Apple Computer laptop bag. This time he had all of his patches he traded for at the Jamboree and more. One of the key items was a 1935 National Scout Jamboree...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 14, 2025

  Monday I spent most of the day working my route. In the morning I priced a lot of stuff for my antique mall booth. Before lunch I headed out there to restock the space including totally revamping all the art and framed patches on the wall. I could have spent more time there but had an appointment to see...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 12, 2024

Tomorrow I am going to devote most of my day to patch business outside the warehouse. In the morning, I am going to my antique mall booth at the Sleep Poet to add in a bunch of new inventory and move things around. I think I will swap out the dollar patches and bring a lot more framed items. I...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 10, 2025

This afternoon Charlotte will likely get snow for the first time in a few years. Some of you will laugh at me sharing this as the accumulation might be just 1 inch. LOL But we have purchased our milk and bread (that now has to be picked up at the grocery store) and my son is home from school. Yes...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 7, 2025

Tomorrow I am going to try out a version of an idea I've had for some time. In filming my unboxing videos I have often thought could I do a version of live selling here. So as I open the box put each item up for an instant auction (like on Whatnot) and sell it quickly. There are lots of...Read More

Boy Scout Collection Unboxing From Nevada Includes Eagle Scout and Jamboree plus Order of the Arrow

This collection was cool for me because it was from out west and had many patches that I have never seen in person including lots of Order of the Arrow flaps from Nevada and California where this Scouter grew up and spent time as an adult. I actually got to meet him in person as he was traveling to Charlotte...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 5, 2025

I assume like many married folks you sit down a few times per year with your spouse to plan out the family calendar. I did this yesterday and part of that ritual is seeing how many Boy Scout events and TORs I can sneak on the list. So far it looks like I won some and lost some for 2025....Read More


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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.