Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter November 3, 2023

  I just pulled the trigger on attending the National Capitol Area Council TOR on December 1-2. This one has been on my radar for a while now as I generally attend all the shows in the VA-NC-SC area that I can. I hope to see many of you there and will put out a Best Hobby Pages coupon closer to time...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 31, 2023

  Tonight my wife and I are going to drag the fire pit around to the driveway and stay warm while we pass out candy to all the kids in our neighborhood. We get a big crowd and for the second year now our kids are old enough where we don't have to walk with them. I have over bought...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 29, 2023

  Today after Sunday school I am going to get a rare weekend bonus day working at the warehouse. My son has to get in his hours this month to pay for his phone and spending money. We let him pick his time and although he loves to put it off to the end he always (eventually) gets caught up....Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 27, 2023

  I am getting the Hot Finds out late in the day because I have an extreme case of catching up today - my first and last day in the office this week. I am just about caught up on emails and other distractions and hope that next week will be productive.     Today I made a deal to...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 24, 2023

  I am back in my hometown this week helping my mom get out of the hospital after a brief illness and settled back into her house today. Last night I got invited to attend the Iswa Chapter meeting at a church just blocks from the hospital. I tell you honestly, I have not attended a chapter meeting for my...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 22, 2023

  I can look back to maybe 15 years ago when I created a bulletin board website (oh man that's old technology) where collectors could leave comments. That evolved since a podcast interview with Brad England to become a Facebook Group that is approaching 20k members worldwide. But there is another more intimate community of thread heads that you are...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 20, 2023

  I decided to run store wide sales in two of my accounts this weekend to give collectors a chance to pick from over then thousand items without having to use a coupon or code. Check out OA Patch Boy Scout Memorabilia where I have over 9k items from the WWW. My other account features items from all over (an everything store)....Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 17, 2023

  I am late getting this issue out as I have been hosting my cousin from VA who is dipping her toes in the entrepreneur role on eBay. She has always done lots of things to make money and this is a natural one for my first cousin. I watch plenty of eBay YouTube, podcasts, etc, and live and eat...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 15, 2023

  I was talking to my wife last night about making plans for the Charlotte TOR. She kept pressing me the question why am I going to go through all that trouble. After all, hosting an event is a big time commitment. We went through a few reasons why I thought these shows were important but I'd be curious to...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 13, 2023

  I only have 4 boxes left to be completely caught up on the backlog of unboxing collections from before the summer. I have been filming many of these and you can look forward to some fresh videos coming this fall to share the thrill of the chase. Some of the items I've pulled out have been shared quickly on...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 10, 2023

    Saturday I left camp early because I knew my wife and daughter were coming home and bringing a new to us cat. This one belonged to a lady who had passed away and through a former coworker my wife agreed to give this cat a new home. Ok you already know this story only gets crazy from there!...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 8, 2023

  It's awesome to see youth carrying their patch collections in old-school briefcases at camp. I can't take any credit for this tradition as it's others who set the example in the lodge. But literally, this same picture could have been taken 30+ years ago when me and my friends were slinging patches in this same dining hall.    ...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 6, 2023

  This weekend I'm going to my lodge's Fall Fellowship at the camp I grew up attending. The weather is going to be in the 70s and I have hopes of doing some patch trading Saturday night. Before you head out this weekend I hope you will take a minute to check out these great auctions that I hand-picked from...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 3, 2023

  This is what sorting season looks like in my warehouse. A few times a year I take everything that has come in and run it through the system. Right now I'm tackling over six months of accumulation which is going to keep me busy all week.     In my operation, I like to list similar items together. For...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter October 1, 2023

  Almost two years ago I posted on Facebook about an odd patch I had received in a collection from Texas. Thanks to Warren Kuhfeld I have the thread in the Scout Patch Collectors FB Group (sorry if you are not a member it won't let you read it!). This Jacket Patch might have been issued for the Dance Team but...Read More


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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.