This morning on the way into work I listened to the latest episode of the Scouting Memories podcast. Chris Brightwell from Alabama leads this project to share audio history of the Scouting movement. Today's episode focused on the 2023 Jamboree and got me to thinking back about my great Jamboree memories. Other episodes include some archived material from Terry Grove...Read More
Episode #83 of SHF Radio the National Scouting Historian Summit It's hard to imagine that I published 82 episodes of my podcast for our collecting community and didn't interview Bill Topkis or Jeff Morley. That makes it fitting that for the reboot of my show these two Scouters would join me to put the podcast back on the air. Bill...Read More
1937 National Jamboree Unboxing Video Here is something readers can look forward to. The next issue of the Hot Finds will feature the first new episode of my podcast in a year! For episode #83 I interviewed Bill Topkis and Jeff Morley regarding the course they are leading at the Philmont Training Center for Scouting historians next summer. More details...Read More
Typically Tuesday is the day during the week that my employee takes off and I have the office to myself. However, getting into the office at 6 AM means I have to get a solid to-do list together to be productive. Today that means breaking out a new lodge from the GA collection and getting some more consignment items up....Read More
Scott Wheeler sent me a message asking for the details of how I got my kid selling on eBay to pay her bills. I told him that sounded like a good blog post topic and so this morning I typed up the story and shared our recipe in My Kid Pays Her Cell Phone Bill Selling On eBay. It...Read More
Friday I listed over 600 items from a collection of mostly SAPs that I've been sitting on for about a year. Right now these are only on my Scoutpatchhq store where I can avoid eBay fees. Probably before Thanksgiving I'll cross list them to eBay as well. Last week I did get in a huge box but I...Read More
I'm glad I took a picture of the lighthouse at Fort Williams outside Portland, Maine. After a 2-day journey to get home that covered over 15+ hours I'm not sure when I'll get back up that way. Today we push off for a more familiar holiday destination to Edisto Beach, SC. Then Thursday I beat it back to...Read More