Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 14, 2024

  We checked out from the local library a book titled "In Case You Get Hit By A Bus" and today I am going to start documenting the list. No cause for concern! But when changing jobs recently my wife brought up she didn't understand the complicated (ok maybe she was right) system of bank accounts I'd set up for...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 12, 2024

  As promised (last year) I am going to experiment with live selling today. My idea is a little convoluted (aren't they always!) but it starts with a simple unboxing video. Essentially I'm following the model of some amazing guys on YouTube that record themselves "Chasing Cardboard" as they travel around the country buying card collections.   So since most...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 9, 2023

  Are you like me? An iPhone user for over a decade but married to PC computers? For the first time in my life I ordered a Macbook that arrives tomorrow and I'm not really that excited to learn this new system. I'm telling myself it will be just like using my iPhone which clearly I'm comfortable with but there...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 7, 2024

  Last night I attended the OA Winter Banquet for Muscogee 116 in Florence, SC. It was a 4 hour round trip but was worth the back roads to see so many of my Barstow brothers. The new lodge has really had a great inaugural year and I am very excited about the new youth leadership. The silent auction was...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 5, 2024

  I have been in touch with Russell Smart and he shared he is putting some of his high end odd shapes on eBay for sale. He still has a lot of items including First Flaps and WABs in the shopify store and we discussed some marketing ideas for the new year.   On Patchsniper this week you can find many rare Scout...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter January 2, 2023

  Before the ball dropped the other night I completed the project of merging all of my eBay stores into one. I tried this experiment of having multiple stores to shuffle around some stale inventory. It worked! By the end of the year sales in those two other accounts made up 30% of my year end totals.   Tables for...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 31, 2023

  We have visited all the family and today, the last day of the year, will be one staying home and reflecting on goals and new opportunities in the coming year. Today I'll finish merging all of my eBay stores into one. Today I'll write down goals in my journal and scratch out a tracking system to monitor progress. Today...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 29, 2023

  It's a good sign going forward that to finish the year I've completed a major project. Through lots and lots of messaging on Facebook and utilizing information from Brian's website I have created a simple 1-page flier that has all of the scheduled TORs for 2024. So far that list includes 41 shows from January - December.   I am taking...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 26, 2023

  I know that New Years resolutions don't work but that doesn't mean that you can't set goals for 2024 and lay the foundation to achieve them. For my patch business I've already instituted some changes that will streamline next year. This week I'm simplifying my store structure after evaluating and tracking sales and other metrics.   For those of...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 22, 2023

  For probably the first time ever I have both kids working for me at this moment in the warehouse. Sophia is ironing neckerchiefs and Patrick is photographing OA jacket patches. I am taking Stephen Perrone's advice and treating them to tacos here shortly as I want to be able to remember the first (and last?) time I got both...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 19, 2023

  The last few days I've been diving into my stacks of common rank patches from the last seventy years. I kinda consider everything post WWII to be fairly common. With the help of Paul Myers book that has color images and Mitch Reis's book that categorizes and includes dates I have started listing these.   When you look at...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 17, 2023

  A friend of mine Jason Ricker has been auctioning lots of Boy Scout paper. Old pictures, lodge programs, Region paperwork you name it. I was not sure how this stuff would go when he first started a month or so ago. But it turns out the old history that is contained in this ephemera and photographs is unique and there...Read More

Friday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 15, 2023

  For the last two days I've enjoyed having an elf in my shop. Sophia came home from college Wednesday and has been working with me to get some extra spending money. It turns out that being a college student is expensive. Going out with friends especially has drained her budget. So I'll take the extra help and enjoy her...Read More

Tuesday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 12, 2023

  A first world problem is how do you logically lot up several thousand CSPs in order to raise the average sales price. Right now on eBay I have over 10k listings in my category of CSPs. Listing a bunch of common CSPs one at a time does not make much sense. So what do I do with the approximately...Read More

Sunday Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter December 10, 2023

  I got back Saturday from the Old Hickory TOR with an unusual haul. On the roof rack I had a freshly cut Christmas tree from Virginia. Possibly in an attempt to please my wife I promised that in going to the show I would visit a tree farm Saturday and bring us home a hand picked fresh tree. The...Read More


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DISCLAMER: It is not officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA or the World Organization of Scout Movements.