A first world problem is how do you logically lot up several thousand CSPs in order to raise the average sales price. Right now on eBay I have over 10k listings in my category of CSPs. Listing a bunch of common CSPs one at a time does not make much sense. So what do I do with the approximately...Read More
I got back Saturday from the Old Hickory TOR with an unusual haul. On the roof rack I had a freshly cut Christmas tree from Virginia. Possibly in an attempt to please my wife I promised that in going to the show I would visit a tree farm Saturday and bring us home a hand picked fresh tree. The...Read More
This afternoon I'm headed up to Winston-Salem NC for the Old Hickory TOR. This is a really long running show that is probably the poster child of what a local show ought to be. The event helps raise money for the council historical society and it is deeply focused on stuff from that area. They usually get a good...Read More
I was in a book club zoom last night with some other business owners land we kicked around the idea. The consensus is that it would be a 1 hour show at set times during the week. I have played with the idea of including an unboxing into this format but not sure if that's doable. You might remember...Read More
I got home late yesterday from a long weekend of slinging cloth at the National Cap TOR. I met so many Hot Finds readers and got to spend time with some new folks and old friends. The fellowship and opportunity to network at a show are invaluable and I can't stress enough that everyone should plan to attend a...Read More
It was very ironic for me to meet a guy last night at the Chick-fil-A along Interstate 95 just above the North Carolina border to purchase a small collection. We had been talking for months but I rarely get to that side of the state. But driving up the TOR in VA this weekend I was on that side...Read More
I have been reading a good book on Entrepreneurship and one of the things from last nights book club are identifying your immutable laws in business. For the patch business I came up with three that many of you will completely relate to. My first one is simply "everything has value". When I get in a collection...Read More
Now that Thanksgiving is over I'm turning my focus to the NCAC TOR in VA next weekend. I've got some Best Hobby Pages orders booked for delivery. For me it's much easier for people to place their orders online so I can have it prepackaged. So if by chance you are going to the show please use coupon code PICKUP....Read More
As an adult I've always been a bit skeptical of made up holidays. I imagine there was some good intentions there but the marketing took over and even a day to honor Abraham Lincoln was a reason for my local department store to run sales. So on this Black Friday which is not really a holiday but a shopping...Read More
I am in a book club online reading a good entrepreneurship book titled The Pumpkin Plan. So in last night's call we had to zero in on our "Area of Innovation". The choices are quality, price or convenience. The author tends to think only one of these can really be your secret sauce. So as applied to my eBay business...Read More
Ok here me out on this one. I've been thinking for some time that when I do these unboxing videos perhaps I need to tie it with the opportunity for people to purchase things from the box. As in you see me pull something cool out and you click and buy it and it's easy. I actually got approved...Read More
Tomorrow I'm getting to make my annual trip to SC and watch my team play a night game in the SEC. I don't know how many of you are passionate college football fans but for me I'm loyal to my alma mater through thick and thin. The temps are going to get to right about 70 as a high...Read More
I will soon be back back on the road to hit two TORs that are within driving distance of me. The National Capital Area TOR is the weekend of December 1-2 at Camp Snyder. I'll actually be leaving the night before so I can get up to that part of the country to purchase a collection. Then I'll be headed to...Read More
Turns out that Friday was our bring your kid to work day. My son had the day off from school and needed to get some hours in to pay for his phone bill. So Patrick was tasked with sorting CSPs into buckets alphabetically. He finished the project by 4 PM and we went to see a movie together to...Read More
I am in a bit of a conundrum and need to make a decision soon on the date for the 2024 Charlotte TOR. For a while I've been eyeing the weekend of March 22-23. This meets a lot of my parameters as it's relatively clear for my local OA lodges that support the show. It's also in the sweet...Read More