I helped Russell Smart create a Shopify Store so that he could begin breaking up his vast collection. He started this project by parting with an OA odd shape collection. The next phase was adding in a large group of OA first flaps. Now that summer is over he is running a sale on everything in the store...Read More
Today I am excited to announce that I will once again be hosting the Charlotte Trade-O-Ree at my church in less than two months. I have scanned lodge calendars and I can see no conflicts for this date among the Carolinas save a Vigil weekend on Saturday night at Camp Durant. I just got the word yesterday so...Read More
This morning my main project is to take my unsold 2022 pieces and post them in my eBay store at BIN prices. I'll just take my minimum bid from the auction strategy and convert that to the fixed price. My nearly 4 week run of auctions paid off and I sold many of the better pieces. But even with all...Read More
I got everything unloaded into the warehouse yesterday and back home after the Occoneechee TOR in North Carolina. This one had some excitement as a smell of smoke prompted a 911 call to the local fire department. We spent about 45 minutes outside before the all-clear was given. But the patch trading went on! The cook crew at this...Read More
Over the last several years the Occoneechee TOR has developed a terrific model of how a lodge can run a show. It goes way beyond having a big dining hall. Let me explain some of their model which can serve as a light bulb idea for others. Once you arrive at camp you never have to leave. They let you...Read More
If you take a look at the TOR Calendar on my website you will see that dozens of TORs are scheduled for the rest of 2022 and into 2023. Being that my life still revolves around school calendars and summer camp to me that means we are essentially starting the new year NOW! I think coming out of the pandemic there...Read More
We are having a Santee Lodge Reunion the Saturday of our Fall Fellowship. I am part of a planning committee that is working out the details of the schedule for this Saturday event. We are hoping to make it a fitting send off and a great opportunity for old friends to reunite. On the topic of mergers...Read More
Although this box sat in the corner of my office while I was serving as the Camp Director last summer (sorry Lewis) it was finally time to unbox the collection. This Scout was active in the 1980s and attended the 1983 World Jamboree in Canada and the 1985 National Jamboree held at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. While at the...Read More
I just got knocked out of the family game of Monopoly and remembered that I had not actually sent out today's Hot Finds. It's been a good day at the beach - very lazy. But I have been thinking about ideas for the rest of 2022 and what kinda goals I can set for my content calendar. One idea...Read More
The Hot Finds is a little thinner today because my family is beginning our final vacation of the summer. This one is a bit of a working vacation as my wife is going to test out working from "home" while at the beach. For the rest of us that means the pool, beach and kayaking so life is good!...Read More
Well as of today everyone who works with me has caught COVID this summer. I didn't see one of my employees this week as she was isolating after her husband tested positive. But I got the news this morning that she also has it now. If you have not caught this latest strain of the virus count yourself...Read More
Today I think I will be the only person in the warehouse. My main task is pulling good stuff for the Pre-NOAC trade-o-ree and making a run to the antique mall to check in and add some new material for the time in almost two months. I have 24' of real estate at the TOR to plan...Read More
Wow! Maybe I forgot how massive these TORs are after four years or maybe the layout and energy of this one is just better. But Day #1 of this Pre-NOAC TOR was awesome. I don't think I had more than 5 minutes between conversations with many fellow collectors. Some of them I had just met after mailing them...Read More
It has been a long time since the 2018 NOAC and I can't be the only person chomping at the bit to finally get the thread heads together in one room again. At a Pre-NOAC TOR there will be people that I have not seen in almost five years. It's hard not to spend the entire time talking...Read More
I got an update from Chris Jensen that he asked me to share out. If you are traveling to the TOR please use this address - 415 Lakeside St. Knoxville, TN 37914. There is a road closure that this will help you avoid any delays near the convention center. The TOR opens Saturday morning and I hope to...Read More